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What is anatomy
The skeleton
Muscles and bones
muscles contract
The autonomic nervous system
Anatomy terminology
deltoid muscle
The trapezius muscle
facial muscles
facial muscles
Kersten Therapeutic Training Center
24 juni 2020
A number of superficial facial muscles, mimetic muscles:
The mimetic muscles are divided into:
musculi epicranus, muscles on the top part (calvaria) of the skull
muscles in the eyelid area
muscles in the nasal area
muscles in the mouth area
We also give the face a wonderful massage
musculus occipitofrontalis (back of the head/forehead muscle)
(2 parts)
O: on the back of the head and the skin of the forehead area. The front part is closely connected to the orbicular eyelid muscle.
I: Scalp
F: frowning and raising the eyebrows ( surprise)
musculus temporoparietalis (parietal bone-temporal bone muscle):
runs together with the musculus temporalis.
O: Temporal fascia of the head I: behind the ear
F: wrinkling of the forehead ( surprise)
Facial muscles
musculus orbicularis oculi (circular eyelid muscle):
(comprised of 3 parts)
O: around the eye socket, on the eyelids
I: in the corner of the eye near the nose, on the upper jaw
F: ( tight) eye closure, is very close to the skin and causes what is known as 'crow's feet' (concern).
musculus procerus (pyramidalis nasi)
O: nose bridge
I: radiates from the skin of the forehead
F: Perpendicular furrow over the nasal root (threat)
musculus nasalis (nasal muscle)
( 2 parts)
O: Upper jaw (incisors/maxillary canine teeth)
I: nasal skin
F: Narrows the nostrils, pulls down the nostrils and backwards (desire, pleasure)
musculus orbicularis oris (circular mouth muscle):
(ostensibly a sphincter, it is basically made up of 4 parts).
It takes on the shape of the mouth as a result of the tension (tonus) and the surrounding bones and teeth.
O: corner of mouth, skin and corresponding jawbones I: corner of mouth, skin and corresponding jawbones
F: opening and closing of the mouth, blowing whistles etc. (partially/closed).
musculus masseter (one of the muscles of mastication, muscle for chewing)
(2 parts, strong superficial part and a deep part).
O: Zygomatic arch (arch of the cheekbone I: Angle of the lower jaw
F: movement of firmly closing the mouth and lifting the lower jaw.
musculus temporalis (temporal muscle)
O: Lateral surface of the head
I: protrusion on the lower jaw
F: strongest muscle for lifting the lower jaw
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