The trapezius muscle

Musculus trapezius (cowl muscle)

The trapezius muscle is a diamond-shaped (rhomboid) muscle at the top of the back of the body. The trapezius muscle runs from the base of the skull to the middle of the back and is also attached to the sides of the shoulder blades. The trapezius is also divided into three parts: a descending part (pars descendens), a transverse part (pars transversus) and an ascending part (pars ascendens)

The back is of course very important in a massage, we also massage the muscles to become flexible.

The trapezius muscle has the following functions:
  • in the first place, it has a static function, it holds the shoulder blade in place.
  • retraction : the movement of pulling the shoulder blade backwards
  • elevation: the movement of pulling the shoulder blade upwards (slight lift of the shoulder, pars descendens).
  • depression: the movement of pulling the shoulder blade downwards (pars ascendens).


O : skull base middle, proc. spinosus C7-Th3, Th2-3-Th12 I : 1/3 collarbone, acromion, scapular crest


musculi pectoralis major and minor (large and small pectoral muscle)


The musculi Pectorali (pectoral muscles, pecs) are attached to the outside of the upper arm, to the collarbone, to the sternum, to the ribs and to the abdominal muscle's tendon. The pectoralis major comprises 3 sections, i.e. collarbone section (pars clavicularis), sternum/rib section (pars sternocostalis) and an abdominal section (pars abdominalis).


The pectoralis major muscle has as its functions:
  • horizontal adduction : movement of the arm towards the body along a horizontal plane.
  • anteflexion: movement of lifting the arm forwards
  • abduction: movement of pushing the arm away from the body (possibly a slight case of adduction when the arm is raised).
  • Endorotation: movement of turning the shoulder inwards
  • swimming muscle, accessory respiratory muscles (e.g. that act when athletes are exhausted).


O : clavicula and sternum

I : humerus ventral (front upper arm)


The pectoralis minor muscles has as its functions:
  • depression: movement of pulling down the shoulder blade
  • protraction: movement of pulling the shoulder blade forwards.
  • accessory respiratory muscles


O : 3e-5e rib

I : proc.coracoideus (protuberance of the shoulder blade) F : lets the shoulder girdle drop


musculus serratus anterior (Boxer's muscle, serratus anterior muscle)


The serratus anterior muscle forms the wonderful 'wee bumps' in the pattern of a saw between the chest and the underside of the shoulder blade. The anterior serratus muscle is also made up of 3 parts (serratus anterior superior, serratus anterior intermediate and serratus anterior inferior) which have the following functions:
  • depression: movement of pulling down the shoulder blade
  • protraction: movement of pulling the shoulder blade forward
  • with a fixated shoulder girdle, they help lift the ribs and the accessory respiratory muscles.


O : 1st t/m 9th rib

I   : scapular border medial


latissimus dorsi muscle (broad or large back muscle)


The latissimus muscle runs from the front of the upper arm to the edge of the hip and is attached to the thoracic vertebrae. It has the following functions:
  • retroflexion: movement of lifting the arm backwards
  • adduction: movement of the arm towards the body
  • endorotation: movement of turning the shoulder inwards.


O : inferior angle scapula, th7-th12, iliac crest, 10the-12the rib I : anterior humerus

F : see above, movement of pushing the arm down and pulling towards the chest (butterfly stroke)


As with many muscles, the latissimus dorsi muscle cannot be trained in isolation.


teres major muscle (large round muscle)


O : Inferior angle of scapula

I   : lesser tubercle (anterior humerus)

F : see latissimus dorsi


levator scapulae muscle (shoulder blade raiser = muscle that lifts the scapula).


The levator scapulae muscle is often the cause of pain in the neck & shoulder area.

O : 1st-4th neck vertebrae

I : superior angle of scapula F : helps with lifting the scapula

The trapezius muscle
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